If there is a need for a class cancellation, students will be notified before the class starts. Classes may be canceled if the number of registered students exceeds the number of people permitted or if something unexpected happens with the instructor.
Refund standard
– Class cancellation, before class starts, or class cancellation on the start day: 100% of the already paid tuition
– Before 1/3 of the total class days have elapsed: 2/3 of the tuition fee
– Before 1/2 of the total number of class days: 1/2 of the tuition fee
– After 1/2 of the total number of class days: No refund of tuition
– Even if you register during the application extension period (after the start of the lecture), the exact refund criteria apply.
– For the calculation of the refund amount, it is considered that the class has been completed until the day the reason for the return occurs.
– Other matters necessary for a tuition refund may be separately determined and decided by the director.
Log in to the homepage. www.wingslearningcommunity.com
Go to Contact.
Fill in the Contact information with your reason for cancellation and send the message.
The refund will be made within 5 business days.
I know the risks connected with attending this event on this date. I agree not to hold myself accountable or bring legal action against the company, its officers, agents, or employees. This waiver releases the company from ALL liability relating to injuries that may occur on location before, during, or after activity.
By signing this agreement, I agree to hold the company entirely free from any liability, including financial responsibility for injuries incurred, regardless of the reasons or circumstances.
I acknowledge the risk involved with this activity including, but not limited to, muscle tears, sprains, and other physical injuries. I certify that my participation is voluntary, and I have been aware of the risks. Additionally, I do not have any conditions that may increase my likelihood of injury.
I will make every effort to obey the company personnel and all safety rules and will ask for clarification if needed.
Online payment is made by bank draft or credit card (Visa or MC). Payment for the first month’s tuition fee will be made shortly after student enrollment. Cancellation in writing 1 month before the desired drop date is required to remove your child from classes. Following the second class, no refunds will be given for that month of class. Minimum 2 months enrollment required. An NSF fee of $30 will be charged for declined credit card or bank draft payments.
2022/2023 Payment Policy: You agree to pay every month with the option of the bank draft or credit card (1st of the month or 1st business day of the month) until the end of the WLC year (September 2022 – August 2023) unless 1 month written cancellation notice is given. A minimum two-month commitment is required after attending 2nd class (1st class is free for orientation).
I hereby authorize any images or video footage taken of my child or myself, in whole or in part, individually or in conjunction with other images and video footage, to be displayed on the Wings Learning Community website and other official channels and to be used for media purposes including promotional presentations and marketing campaigns. (Please contact us by email if you would prefer to opt out – our system, unfortunately, does not have the capacity to offer this as an optional policy)
A $25 administration fee (per child, per class) applies to all cancellations.
A full refund (less a $25 administration fee (per child, per class)) will be issued if the request to withdraw is made at least 14 days before the class’s start date.
Requests made less than 14 days before the class’s start date will be refunded at 50%, less a $25 administration fee (per child, per camp).
No refund is provided after the class/camp/program start date unless there are extenuating circumstances. In such cases a written request by email at wingslearningcommunity@gmail.com for a refund or a credit toward another class/camp/program, accompanied by appropriate documentation (i.e., medical note). This documentation must be submitted to the Associate Director.
No refund is provided for days missed or forgotten class/camp/program.
2022/2023 Payment Policy: You agree to pay every month with the option of the bank draft or credit card (1st of the month or 1st business day of the month) until the end of the WLC year (September 2022 – August 2023) unless AT LEAST 14 days written cancellation notice is given.
If your child is absent from class/camp/program, please notify teachers/staff by contacting us. It is the parent’s responsibility to make sure that their child gets signed in at the beginning of class/camp/program. You will not be notified if your child is absent from the class/camp/program.
Please note: refunds are not given for days missed.
If your child is late for class/camp/program, please contact us in advance.
Your child’s safety and well-being are a priority for WLC teachers and staff.
In case of a medical emergency, the class/camp/program has trained First Aid people on staff to help care for your child.
On the Parental Consent form, you will be asked to consent to medical attention in case of emergency.
WLC expects all participants of the class/camp/program to behave in a respectful way towards other campers, camp staff, equipment, and camp facilities. Parents will be notified if their child’s behavior is inappropriate. If the inappropriate behaviour continues, WLC reserves the right to remove the child from class/camp/program, without a refund.
We do our best to monitor these situations, but if you hear of something concerning happening at class/camp/program, please contact us at wingslearningcommunity@gmail.com or phone call at +1 778-581-7830, 6227 / +82 10-6636-6513
To make it easier for campers and staff, WLC camps follow a similar rule structure to local School Districts. The younger campers are always supervised, and the older campers (grades 7+) have a bit more freedom around campus. It is important and expected for the campers to follow the WLC Camp rules:
3. Have FUN!
All campers need to be signed in and out by a parent/guardian each day (unless otherwise authorized). If a camper is to be picked up by someone other than a parent/guardian, please include their name under the “permission for pick up” portion of the parental consent form and notify the camp instructor in advance. Please bring your ID when you pick up your child.
If your child is biking, walking, taking the bus, or has alternate arrangements to get home at the end of the day, please indicate they can sign themselves out under “Permission for pick up” on the parental consent form.